Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Friends of Maxwell MOU

Memorandum of Understanding, January 8, 2019
Between Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library
and Maxwell Memorial Library

The following will constitute an operating agreement between the Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library (Friends) and Maxwell Memorial Library (Library). 
It will stand until it is modified by mutual agreement of the Friends executive board, and the Library’s administration. 
The Library and the Friends organization agree to publicly support each other’s short and long term goals.
The Library agrees to meet with the Friends at the beginning of each fiscal year to discuss the long-term goals and direction of the Library, and to share with the Friends the Library’s strategic initiatives.
The Library may offer the Friends a ‘wish list’ at the Friends’ meetings in February, June and October, for funds which include dollar amounts, and purpose of request. If an emergency arises, a request for funds may be made.
The Library agrees to provide the Friends with space and staff support, dependent upon staff availability, to assist them with publicity, meeting coordination, and Friends fundraising events, e.g. selling raffle tickets, collecting order forms.
The Library agrees to provide the Friends with public display space for membership brochures, fund raising and promotional materials.
The Library agrees to provide the Friends with storage space in the Library for supplies.
The Friends organization agrees to include a non-voting member from the Library’s administration at Friends’ business meetings, and will allow room on the agenda for a Library report.
The Friends organization agrees that all funds raised, not including administrative costs of the Friends, will be spent for Library programs, services, and other Library defined needs.
The Friends organization agrees that the Library administration has the final say in accepting, or declining, any gifts made to the Library.
The Friends organization agrees that if it ceases all activity for a period of one year, the organization may legally dissolve, and give all remaining funds to the Library.

Library Board of Trustees President _____________________ Date__01-14-2019__

Friends Co-President ________________________  Date ___01-16-2019___