You Asked

Answers to your questions:

Is the Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library part of the library?
- Our relationship with the library can be a little confusing.
We have space at the library, which is now the shelves in the alcove.
Our mailing address is  in c/o the library.
Legally, we are separate from Maxwell Memorial Library. The Friends is an incorporated non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with its own by-laws.
The Friends carries liability insurance.

We raise funds to give to the library for programs, or items, not covered under the regular budget. We promote the library with seasonal giveaways, and sponsor programs such as the Adult Summer Reading Program.
A Junior Friends group was formed in 2020.  

How does the Friends group get money?
- A good portion of funds come from donations of membership dues.
- Our annual membership drive begins in January.
- The rest comes from fundraising events, and donations given to the Friends.
The Chocolate Friends-y Raffle, Geranium Sale and Garage Sale have been the main fundraisers.
- After 2016, the group will no longer be holding a Garage Sale.
Dues have been waived for 2021. 

Does the Friends group have book sales?
- No
- The Friends used to hold large book sales twice a year, which were major fundraisers.
- The ongoing book sale at the library is operated by Maxwell Memorial Library, and the proceeds go directly to the library.

Does the Friends group accept book donations?
- Yes! 

Do members of the Friends volunteer at the library, e.g. shelve books?
- Several members of the Friends do volunteer at Maxwell, but they arrange it on their own with the library's director.

How does the Friends of Maxwell decide what to spend money on?
- The Friends group works with Maxwell's director, Alyssa Ali on funding programs and items not covered in the library's regular budget.
Members of the Friends who do not attend meetings have the opportunity to express to the group how they would like to see Friends' funds spent.
Memorial gifts, and donations can be directed towards something the donor requests.
Expenditures which exceed $200.00, are approved by a majority of those attending a business meeting, and then by the executive committee. The executive committee includes present officers, and the immediate past presidents of the Friends.
Occasionally, the Friends group has a specific interest in funding something for the library. It's discussed with the director, who will approve or reject it. A recent example is the repair and painting of the window trim on the front windows of the library. It was approved by then director Katy Benson, and Board of Trustees. It was included in the NY state library construction grant application in 2015. This project was completed in October, 2016.

Does the Friends of Maxwell file a federal income tax return?
Yes. If the group lets three consecutive years go by without filing, it loses its non-profit status. We have filed every year since 2011. 

Are donations tax deductible?
Yes. See Publication 78 Data of the IRS. Pub. 78 is a document published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that lists organizations that qualify to receive tax-deductible contributions. Our EIN is 45-2079118