Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 2 at 1pm ON ZOOM.
Please check your email for the link.
The Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library is a non-profit organization which supports the Maxwell Memorial Library in Camillus, New York.
Friends of Maxwell Library 19th Geranium Sale!
Order forms will be available at Maxwell Library (Friends' display) and on the library's website.
Please mail your order form and payment (check made out to Friends of Maxwell Library) to the address on the form.
Colors: Red, White, Magenta, White Rose, Salmon Splash
Prices: 1 dozen - $40 ½ doz. - $25 Single - $5
Orders must be received by Thursday, May 11, 2023.
Pickup Day - Saturday, May 20, 2023 at:
The rear of Camillus Village Hall from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon.
Thank you for supporting the Friends of Maxwell!
Think Spring!
One lucky Friend will win a basket of goodies including the book Beatrix Potter's Gardening Life.
Thank you Junior Friends for the free lollipops and bookmarks!