Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library - Bulb Sale!


The Friends of Maxwell will be giving the proceeds of the Bulb Sale 
for the library's new projector.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library - Bulb Sale!

By Request!
Our Daffodil and Scilla Bulb Sale!

We're waiting for the rest of the bulbs to arrive.
As soon as they're here, we'll post dates and place for you to purchase your bulbs for planting this Fall. 
We're not taking orders ahead of time. 
Stay tuned for dates and times! 

Prices -
Goblet or King Alfred Daffodils (Narcissi) -  $20.00 / dozen 
Blue Scilla - $10.00  / dozen
Mixed Giant Crocus -   $10.00 / 20 bulbs
Mixed Muscari (grape hyacinth)  - $10.00  / 20 bulbs

Cash or checks payable to:   Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library

Here's what we'll have - 

Top -  Muscari mix (grape hyacinth),  Mixed giant crocus,  King Alfred daffodils (around Maxwell's sign)   
Bottom - Goblet daffodil, Blue Scilla  
King Alfreds are the solid yellow    
Goblet - yellow trumpet, white petals