Tuesday, November 13, 2018

November Meeting with Guest Speaker, Jim Teske

Our final meeting for 2018 was on November 6 at 1:00 pm at Maxwell.
Jim Teske, Storm Team Meteorologist, was our guest speaker.
He spoke about his background, how a weather report is put together, and lots of other weathery things.
We all shared some great weather story memories with him, as he grew up here, too!

The Friends' meetings have concluded for the year.
Thank you, Jim,  for celebrating our 25th Anniversary year with us.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Wreath for the Octagon House

This year's wreath donated by the Friends of Maxwell to the Octagon House. You could win it next weekend, November 10, 11 during their Holiday Open House.  

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Friends of Maxwell Library Open House

🍁Friends Open House with Artist Reception for Ray Trudell. 
🍁 Congratulations to our Raffle Winner - Gerry R.
🍁Thank you for coming! It was great fun!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library

  Open House and Artist Reception
  October 20, 2018 at 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. 

Art Exhibit:
 The Friends are hosting this month’s art exhibit, featuring local photographer Ray Trudell. His unique collection featuring Syracuse landmarks and neighborhoods will be on display in the Community Room now through November 1st.

50-50 Raffle: Tickets are $2.00 each or 5 for $5.00. Proceeds will support new window shades for the children’s area. Please purchase tickets now through October 20 at the Main Desk. We'll be drawing the winning ticket at our Open House on October 20.

25th Anniversary Open House and Artist Reception: The public is invited to attend our Open House, and Artist Reception, on Saturday, October 20 from 12 noon to 2pm in the Community Room. Enjoy free refreshments, and meet artist Ray Trudell.

                       Hiawatha Lake, Syracuse, NY
                            by Ray Trudell 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Another Busy Year

Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library

Activities and Events for 2018

v Chocolate Friends-y Raffle
v Monthly Bulk Loan at Fairmount Gardens
v Oscar Winners - Free Contest
v 15th Annual Geranium Sale
v Memorial Day Parade Giveaway
v Flower plantings in front of Maxwell
v Maintaining Maxwell’s outside sign
v Sponsored & Organized Summer Reading Program for Adults
v Summer Picnic for Friends’ Members
v Dessert Party for Adult Summer Reading
v Host October Art Exhibit
v Annual Open House for everyone
v 50-50 Raffle for Window shades
v Decorate Maxwell for the holidays
Our Dollar Donations to Maxwell for 2018   YTD

$1500.00 - Summer Reading Program for Kids 
    500.00 - Centennial Tree Gold Leaf 
    324.00 - Book Page Magazine

    200.00 - Summer Reading Program - Adults   
    115.00 - 50-50 Raffle for Window shades
    275.00 - Maxwell's Annual Fund Drive    

    100.00 - Holiday decorating for the library
 $3014.00 - Total   as of December 1, 2018

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Friends of Maxwell Fall Meeting Dates

Meeting - Tuesday, September 4 at 1:00

Meeting - Tuesday, October 2 at 12:00 -
at the Coppertop

Meeting- Tuesday, November 6 at 1:00
Guest Speaker: Channel 9 Meteorologist
Jim Teske

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Summer Reading Program for Adults Concludes

Maxwell's Summer Reading Program for Adults has concluded. Thank you to everyone who participated this year. We had over 300 entries, with 80 patrons participating. The Dessert Party for those who took part was held on Thursday evening, August 16.
The Friends of Maxwell has sponsored and organized this program for three years. 
Special thanks to Colorful Inspirations, Sam Rao Florist, and Wegmans for their generous donations of gift cards!  

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Print Your Own Summer Reading Entry Forms

Try this link! It's in bold text below.
It should open a page for you to print four entry forms for the
Summer Reading Program for Adults.

Summer Reading Program Entry Form 2018

It looks like this: 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Delta Sonic Gift Cards

The Friends of Maxwell are offering TWO $5.00 Delta Sonic Gift Cards for a donation of $5.00. Your gift card is good on anything at Delta Sonic except food, and gas.
It's a great deal for you, and for the Friends.
Proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards programming.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Post Memorial Day Parade

We gave away all of our balloons, spinners, flags, water, parade candy, and bookmarks before the parade even began.
We're looking forward to doing it again next year!


Friday, May 25, 2018

Memorial Day Parade

The Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library will be at the Memorial Day Parade in Camillus!
We've had so much fun doing this, it has become another annual Friends' event.
Stop by our spot in front of the library before the Parade begins.
We'll be giving away balloons, flags, spinners, and more, until we run out! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Geranium Sale Thank You

Thank you for supporting our 15th Geranium Sale!

Our proceeds from the sale make it possible for us to give Maxwell
$1,550.00 for five Wednesday evening programs this summer! 
- Dan the Snakeman - July 11
- Moreland the Magician - July 18
- Checker's Musical Library Adventure - August 1
- Bubbleman - August 8
- Games on a Roll - August 15

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Your Libraries Thank You!

The library propositions passed yesterday.
Each year, the combined tax levy collected by the West Genesee School District will be $680,079.
Maxwell Memorial Library will receive $339,079 (977 Yes  255 No)
Fairmount Community Library will receive $341,000. (969 Yes  261 No)
Each library also receives a small amount of state aid.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Friends of Maxwell 15th Annual Geranium Sale

It's time to order your geraniums! 🌺
Colors - Magenta, White, Red, SU Orange, White to Rose
Single - $4.00 ½ doz. - $18.00 1 doz. - $32.00.
Payment must accompany your order. Cash or check, please.
Pick up your order form at Maxwell. Return it to Maxwell,
You can also print your own at Maxwell's website, 
or on the Friends of Maxwell Library Facebook page.  
Last day to order - Friday, May 11
Pick Up Day - Saturday, May 19 from 9:00 - 12:00 noon at Camillus Village Hall.
Proceeds will go towards Maxwell's Summer Reading Programs.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Friends of Maxwell Library Updates

Summary of April Meeting

For National Library Week, April 8 - 14, the Friends are doing a free book giveaway.
All patrons have to do is fill out an entry form, circle the book they'd like to win, and drop it in the entry box.Three books will be given away. All are by Misty Copeland, who is this year's Honorary Chairperson.  The drawing will be held on Thursday, April 19, so there's still time to enter. 

Jennifer Groth is our publicity and program chairperson. Last week's Eagle Observer published an article written by her about the Friends' 25th Anniversary, and the Geranium Sale. 

Dr. Chris Brown was our guest speaker at our April 3rd meeting. 
About 17 people attended. Much positive feedback.

Our Poetry Reading scheduled for April 13, was canceled by the library. Jane Sullivan, member of the Friends, had been organizing it.
We'll try again sometime in the future.

Geranium Sale is Happening Now!

Order forms are available on the Friends' shelves.
Orders must be pre-paid, and handed in at the Main Desk, or mailed to the library.
Last day to order is Friday, May 11.
Pick up Day is Saturday, May 19 at 9:00 - 12:00 noon.
Colors are: red, white, magenta, white to rose, and SU Orange !
single - $4.00   1/2 dozen - $18.00    1 dozen - $32.00
Details are on signs on the Friends' shelves, on Facebook, and Maxwell's website.
A link to print your own order forms is available online at - 


Memorial Day Parade, May 28.
We plan on giving away balloons, flags, spinners, etc. at this year's Memorial Day Parade, May 28.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 1st at the Coppertop, at 12:00 noon.
Short meeting, and longer lunch. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library - Draft #4 of MOU

This MOU draft is what the Friends of Maxwell has given to Maxwell's director and trustees. They're working on making changes they would like to have included. When that's done, the trustees, library director, and Friends' officers will meet to produce a final version.

DRAFT March 24, 2018

Memorandum of Understanding
Between Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library
and Maxwell Memorial Library
The following will constitute an operating agreement between the Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library (Friends) and Maxwell Memorial Library (Library).  It will stand until it is modified by mutual agreement of the Friends executive board, and the Library’s administration.  The Friends mission is to: 1. Be an advocate for the Library. 2. Raise funds for items and programs not covered in the Library’s budget. 3. Create public awareness of the Library’s services and programs. As a non-profit, 501c3 organization, the Friends is a legally distinct entity, and is not a part of the Library. 
The Library and the Friends organization agree to publicly support each other’s short and long term goals.

The Library agrees to meet with the Friends at the beginning of each fiscal year to discuss the long-term goals and direction of the Library, and to share with the Friends the Library’s strategic initiatives.

The Library agrees to supply the Friends with a 'wish list' in the first quarter of each calendar year with requests for funds which include dollar amounts, and purpose of request. 

The Library agrees to provide the Friends with staff support to assist them with publicity, meeting coordination, and Friends’ fund raising events, e.g. assist the sale of raffle tickets, collecting order forms.

The Library agrees to provide the Friends with public display space for membership brochures, and promotional materials. The minimum size of space will be eight square feet.

The Library agrees to provide the Friends with storage space in the Library for supplies.
The Friends organization agrees to include a non-voting member from the Library's administration at Friends' business meetings, and will allow room on the agenda for a Library report. 

The Friends organization agrees that all funds raised, not including administrative costs of the Friends, will be spent for Library programs, services, and other Library defined needs.

The Friends organization agrees that the Library administration has the final say in accepting, or declining, any gifts made to the Library.

The Friends organization agrees that if it ceases activity for a period of one year, the organization will legally dissolve, and give all remaining funds to the Library.  

Monday, January 15, 2018

Maxwell's Centennial Tree

At the Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library's Annual Meeting on January 2, 2018, the Friends voted unanimously to become a Maxwell Centennial Benefactor with a $500.00 'gold' leaf on the tree.
The tree will be on display throughout this Centennial year.
The group requested that this donation be used for library programming.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Chocolate Friends-y Raffle is Back!

CHOCOLATE FRIENDS-Y RAFFLE! Take a chance on winning one of these two Lands End canvas totes filled with all things chocolate. They're placed on the Friends' shelves at Maxwell.
The contents of each tote are the same.
Tickets are available at the Main Desk
Drawing - Thursday, February 8, 2018
Winner doesn't need to be present to win.
Tickets are 1 for $2.00, or 5 for $5.00
You could win one!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Our Gold Leaf

The Friends of Maxwell group added a $500.00 Gold Leaf to the Centennial Tree at Maxwell Memorial Library.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Meetings for 2018

Friends of Maxwell Meet on the first Tuesday of each month,
at 1:00 pm in the Community Room, unless noted.

January 2 - Annual Meeting
February 6 - Make It!
March 6 - Speaker: Mayor Butler-Rhoades
April 3 - Speaker: Dr. Chris Brown
May 1 - Lunch at The Coppertop at noon
June 5 - Meeting 
July 13 - *Picnic for Friends
August - No Meeting
September 4 - Meeting
October 2 - Meeting at Coppertop 12:00 noon
Oct. 20 - 25th Anniversary Celebration 12:00-2:00
November 6 - Guest Speaker: Jim Teske
December - no meeting
* = place TBA
Meetings are at Maxwell unless noted.